Safe Space
A safe space isn’t just for young members; it’s for volunteers too. Girlguiding provides training and guidance in order to help you feel safe and supported while working with girls and other members, but sometimes just using your common sense and being aware of your own actions and those of others can help you to protect yourself. However, it is the law that all those working with children need safeguarding training (this is not just a Girlguiding policy but a UK law).
In units there must be one leader (leader, assistant leader or leader in training) who has level 3 in addition to levels 1 and 2 for that meeting to run. If that leader is unable to attend the meeting, the meeting should be cancelled unless other leaders in the Unit also have level 3. Level 4 is required by all commissioners, designates, deputies and those sharing a role, trainers delivering A Safe Space Level 4, safeguarding leads and A Safe Space advisers.
Do you need to complete some training?
Level 1 and 2
Done via e-learning:
Level 3 and 4
These are completed virtually and are organised by Girlguiding UK and Girlguiding Scotland by accessing the learning platform.
Level 4
Level 4 trainings are organized by Girlguiding UK and also the regions. Girlguiding UK sessions are accessed in the same way as level 3. Those organised by Girlguiding Scotland are accessed via the learning platform.